All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
About the Family‘s History
Between 1792-1797, the relationship between states are dominated by armed conflicts between Prussia in coalition with Austria and France. After the Separate Peace of Basel in 1795 , Prussia withdraws its troops from the battlefields and furtheron shows a neutral posture towards France. Finally, in 1806 , France and Prussia break up, which escalates to become the Fourth Coalition War . After Napoleon‘s victory over Prussia and after the Peace of Tilsit in 1807 , he errects the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, which, among others, includes the territories gained by Prussia in Poland after 1772 (and with that also the Province of Posen). In 1813 , Prussia in coalition with Russia declares war to France, which culminates in the Battle of Leipzig , leading to Napoleon‘s defeat and resignation. Prussia, as a consequence of the Wiener Kongress in 1815 , regains Posen as a Prussian province, whose borders will remain unchanged until 1919. The many years of armed conflicts are now followed by centuries of peace. In 1866 , in coalition with Italy, Prussia starts the German War against Austria. After its victory in the Battle of Königgrätz, Prussia becomes the leading power in Germany.
Excursus - The Political Situation in the Province of Posen between 1800-1870
Source: Wikimedia Commons (Sansculotte)
Excursus - The Province of Posen between 1800-1870: Excursus - The Province of Posen between 1800-1870: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
Excursus - The Province Posen between 1800-1870: Excursus - The Province Posen between 1800-1870: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
Between 1792-1797, the relationship between states are dominated by armed conflicts between Prussia in coalition with Austria and France. After the Separate Peace of Basel in 1795 , Prussia withdraws its troops from the battlefields and furtheron shows a neutral posture towards France. Finally, in 1806 , France and Prussia break up, which escalates to become the Fourth Coalition War . After Napoleon‘s victory over Prussia and after the Peace of Tilsit in 1807 , he errects the Grand Duchy of Warsaw, which, among others, includes the territories gained by Prussia in Poland after 1772 (and with that also the Province of Posen). In 1813 , Prussia in coalition with Russia declares war to France, which culminates in the Battle of Leipzig , leading to Napoleon‘s defeat and resignation. Prussia, as a consequence of the Wiener Kongress in 1815 , regains Posen as a Prussian province, whose borders will remain unchanged until 1919. The many years of armed conflicts are now followed by centuries of peace. In 1866 , in coalition with Italy, Prussia starts the German War against Austria. After its victory in the Battle of Königgrätz, Prussia becomes the leading power in Germany.
About the Family‘s History
E x c u r s u s The Political Situation in the Province of Posen between 1800-1870
Source: Wikimedia Commons (Sansculotte)