All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
About the Family‘s History
It were years of fierce civil war, heated up by opposing religious movements. Finally, in 1772 , Prussia, Austria and Russia unified in order to end the civil war. The result was the first separation of Poland, means the whole territory of the Polish Kingdom was devided between Prussia, Austria and Russia. Prussia claimed for itself the western regions, Western Prussia (‚Westpreußen‘), the ‚Netze District‘ and the ‚Ermland‘. In 1793 , as a result of continious uprise in the remaining Polish territory, a second separation of Poland by Prussia and Russia took place, as part of which also the southern half of the Province of Posen became part of Prussia, Southern Prussia (‚Südpreußen‘). Finally, in 1795 , Prussia, Austria and Russia executed the third separation of the remaining Polish territory, where Prussia received the rest of Greater Poland with its capital Warschau (today Warsaw) as well as additional territories in the east, which became New Eastern Prussia (‚Neuostpreußen‘).
Excursus - The Political Situation in Poland and in the Province of Posen until 1800
BACK BACK Source: Wikipedia (Sansculotte) Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Economy Society Society Economy Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Economy Politics Politics
It were years of fierce civil war, heated up by opposing religious movements. Finally, in 1772 , Prussia, Austria and Russia unified in order to end the civil war. The result was the first separation of Poland, means the whole territory of the Polish Kingdom was devided between Prussia, Austria and Russia. Prussia claimed for itself the western regions, Western Prussia (‚Westpreußen‘), the ‚Netze District‘ and the ‚Ermland‘. In 1793 , as a result of continious uprise in the remaining Polish territory, a second separation of Poland by Prussia and Russia took place, as part of which also the southern half of the Province of Posen became a part of Prussia, Southern Prussia (‚Südpreußen‘). Finally, in 1795 , Prussia, Austria and Russia executed the third separation of the remaining Polish territory, where Prussia received the rest of Greater Poland with its capital Warschau (today Warsaw) as well as additional territories in the east, which became New Eastern Prussia (‚Neuostpreußen‘).
About the Family‘s History
E x c u r s u s The Political Situation in Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800
Source: Wikipedia (Sansculotte)