All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
About the Family‘s History
The right of self government, freedom of trade and the abolitian of heriditary subservience in 1807 and with that the cre - ation of a free farmers community lead to the economical revival of the Province of Posen. In 1816/17 and 1846/47 , crop failures result in catastrophic setbacks, increasing prices for groceries, but also deseases and death affecting millions of people all across Europe . Originating from England in the second half of the 18th Century, in the first third of the 19th Century , industrialisation reaches Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, then, in the middle of the century, Germany, and finally also Sweden, Italy, Russia and the remaining European countries. Industrialisation causes an upheaval in production processes, technology, energy sources, transportation and markets, with effects on population and social structures. Production of textiles is industrialised, the production of raw iron increases significantly during the time period 1800- 1880 . With industrialisation, the importance of agriculture decreases. However, improved growing methods cause harvests to increase significantly. Meanwhile, cattle breeding is more and more neglected, which causes the production of meat to decrease. A Slesian Weavers‘ Poem from 1828 provides an examplary impression of the economical situation of weavers at that time:
Excursus - The Economical Situation in the Province of Posen between 1800-1870
BACK BACK Excursus - The Province of Posen between 1800-1870: Excursus - The Province of Posen between 1800-1870: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
Im russ‘schen Polen ga‘n se üns Jedwedem a Stück Land; Do wulln ber nur ins Flache ziehn Und lussen ünse Bärge stiehn. - Härr Got, dir is‘s bekannt!
Ich kam a Weg vom Riesenkamm und ging uf‘s Warmbad zu; Do traf ich anne lange Schar, Wu Man und Weib beisammen war, Und Kinder ohne Schuh!
Ber kummen vohn a Bärgen här, Ber ziehn ei‘s Polen nei; Bei sein urnär schund matt vur Nut, ‘s is gor a hüngrich Stückel Brut, De Schlaesche Weberei!
Und wenn uns Got senn Seegen schenkt, Derwäben wer wahs Geld; Das nähmen sich de Kinder ahn Und ziehn, su fix wie jedes kan, Furt aus der fremden Welt.
All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Im russ‘schen Polen ga‘n se üns Jedwedem a Stück Land; Do wulln ber nur ins Flache ziehn Und lussen ünse Bärge stiehn. - Härr Got, dir is‘s bekannt!
Ich kam a Weg vom Riesenkamm und ging uf‘s Warmbad zu; Do traf ich anne lange Schar, Wu Man und Weib beisammen war, Und Kinder ohne Schuh!
Ber kummen vohn a Bärgen här, Ber ziehn ei‘s Polen nei; Bei sein urnär schund matt vur Nut, ‘s is gor a hüngrich Stückel Brut, De Schlaesche Weberei!
Und wenn uns Got senn Seegen schenkt, Derwäben wer wahs Geld; Das nähmen sich de Kinder ahn Und ziehn, su fix wie jedes kan, Furt aus der fremden Welt.
Ancestry and Family Research
Excursus - The Province Posen between 1800-1870: Excursus - The Province Posen between 1800-1870: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
The right of self government, freedom of trade and the abolitian of heriditary subservience in 1807 and with that the creation of a free farmers community lead to the economical revival of the Province of Posen. In 1816/17 and 1846/47 , crop failures result in catastrophic setbacks, increasing prices for groceries, but also deseases and death affecting millions of people all across Europe . Originating from England in the second half of the 18th Century, in the first third of the 19th Century , industrialisation reaches Belgium, the Netherlands and Switzerland, then, in the middle of the century, Ger - many, and finally also Sweden, Italy, Russia and the remaining European countries. Industrialisation causes an upheaval in production processes, technol - ogy, energy sources, transportation and markets, with effects on population and social structures. Production of textiles is industrialised, the production of raw iron increases significantly during the time period 1800- 1880 . With industrialisation, the importance of agriculture decreases. How - ever, improved growing methods cause harvests to increase signifi - cantly. Meanwhile, cattle breeding is more and more neglected, which causes the production of meat to decrease. A Slesian Weavers‘ Poem from 1828 provides an examplary impression of the economical situation of weavers at that time:
About the Family‘s History
E x c u r s u s The Economical Situation in the Province of Posen between 1800-1870