All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
About the Family‘s History
From 1598 until 1621 , the Southern Netherlands (Belgium without Lüttich) are half autonomous. In 1618 , the Thirty Years‘ War brakes out, which also does not spare the Netherlands. A Spanish campaign against the Netherlands from 1621 to 1626 in the end failes due to the resistance of the Dutch population in cooperation with the opponents of the Habsburg dynasty. In 1637 , a number of attacks against the Spanish Netherlands are conducted by France and the so called General States. The French invade Artois, while the Dutch conquer Breda and a wide strip of the Southern Netherlands. In 1648 the Thirty Years‘ War ends with the Peace of Westphalia . But peace does not last very long. After the death of the Spanish King Philipp IV, claiming hereditary titles for Flandern and Brabant, France starts another campaign in 1667 , but is forced by an alliance formed by the Netherlands, Sweden and England, to accept the Peace of Aix-la-Chapelle (‚Aachen‘) in 1668 . However, France keeps Lille and is allowed to occupy various fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. During the Dutch War 1672 -1678, the French once more overrun southern Holland, but the Netherlands are reconstituted with the Peace Treaties of Nijmegen in 1678/79 .
Excursus - Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800: Excursus - Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
Excursus - The Political Situation in the Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800
Source: Wikimedia Commons (Gabriel BODENAHR)
All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
Excursus - Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800: Excursus - Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
From 1598 until 1621 , the Southern Netherlands (Belgium without Lüttich) are half autonomous. In 1618 , the Thirty Years‘ War brakes out, which also does not spare the Netherlands. A Spanish campaign against the Netherlands from 1621 to 1626 in the end failes due to the resistance of the Dutch population in cooperation with the opponents of the Habsburg dynasty. In 1637 , a number of attacks against the Spanish Netherlands are conducted by France and the so called General States. The French invade Artois, while the Dutch conquer Breda and a wide strip of the Southern Netherlands. In 1648 the Thirty Years‘ War ends with the Peace of Westphalia . But peace does not last very long. After the death of the Spanish King Philipp IV, claiming hereditary titles for Flandern and Brabant, France starts another campaign in 1667 , but is forced by an alliance formed by the Netherlands, Sweden and England, to accept the Peace of Aix-la- Chapelle (‚Aachen‘) in 1668 . However, France keeps Lille and is allowed to occupy various fortresses in the Spanish Netherlands. During the Dutch War 1672 -1678, the French once more overrun southern Holland, but the Netherlands are reconstituted with the Peace Treaties of Nijmegen in 1678/79 .
About the Family‘s History
E x c u r s u s The Political Situation in the Southern Netherlands (Belgium) until 1800
Source: Wikimedia Commons (Gabriel BODENAHR)