All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
About the Family‘s History
Economical backbone at that time was technical highly developed clothmaking, which quickly opened up markets for sales in whole Poland and Russia. In 1772 , in particular the ‚Netze Distrikt‘, anyhow a not very fertile landscape covered with reed and thicket, due to numerous warlike conflicts, natural desasters, deseases and mismanagement was in a miserable condition - destroyed, abandonned and poor. Frederick the Great (‚Friedrich der Große‘) intensively patronised the movement of german settlers (especially farmers and craftsmen) from the Palatinate (‚Pfalz‘), from Swabia (‚Schwaben‘), Slesia (‚Schlesien‘), Thuringia (‚Thüringen‘), Mecklenburg and Saxonia (‚Sachsen‘) into the newly gained territory in order to help the country up again. With governmental support (in form of excemption from taxes at the time of commencement, provision of cattle and seeding) the territory was re-populated and land, until then useless for farming was turned into fertile meadows and acres, for example through the drainage of the ‚Netzebruch‘. Main source of income was the bredding of cattle.
Excursus - The Economical Situation in Poland and in the Province of Posen until 1800
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Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Society Society Economy Economy Politics Politics
All Rights Reserved © KBZ 2021 - Last updated: 28 April 2023
Ancestry and Family Research
Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Economy Society Society Economy Excursus - Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800: Economy Politics Politics
Economical backbone at that time was technical highly developed clothmaking, which quickly opened up markets for sales in whole Poland and Russia. In 1772 , in particular the ‚Netze Distrikt‘, anyhow a not very fertile landscape covered with reed and thicket, due to numerous warlike conflicts, natural desasters, deseases and mismanagement was in a miserable condition - destroyed, abandonned and poor. Frederick the Great (‚Friedrich der Große‘) intensively patronised the movement of german settlers (especially farmers and craftsmen) from the Palatinate (‚Pfalz‘), from Swabia (‚Schwaben‘), Slesia (‚Schlesien‘), Thuringia (‚Thüringen‘), Mecklenburg and Saxonia (‚Sachsen‘) into the newly gained territory in order to help the country up again. With governmental support (in form of excemption from taxes at the time of commencement, provision of cattle and seeding) the territory was re-populated and land, until then useless for farming was turned into fertile meadows and acres, for example through the drainage of the ‚Netzebruch‘. Main source of income was the bredding of cattle.
About the Family‘s History
E x c u r s u s The Economical Situation in Poland and the Province of Posen until 1800
Source:  Wikimedia Commons (Max Toeppen)